What is a hickey?
In fact, it is a bruise, a cavity with blood, formed because of violation of hypodermic blood vessels integrity. And, the deeper in tissues this cavity is located, the more ominous, bluish-black colour the bruise has.
Hickeys can be anywhere: hickey on neck - most often, and also hickey on face, hickey on breast; it can be in any place on a body, this depends on a situation. If they appear, it’s important to get rid of them quick, using modern medicine and natural methods. But until drugs will work, you’ll have to hide hickey, located on a noticeable place.
How to hide hickey on a neck?
It’s very simple: Long hair, high collars of polo-necks and sweaters, black stockings, scarfs, favourite foundation! These are not actually the ways to get rid of a hickey, but these measures will definitely help you to hide them. Another one good way is a sting imitation with strong allergic reaction round it. For this purpose the skin is punctured in by a sterile needle in the center of a bruise. The most difficult thing is to get rid oh a hickey on neck. You can try to agree with the medical personnel, having asked them permissions to put on Shants's collar (it is applied at injuries of a neck). This action belongs to fast ways to get rid of hickeys, and you have to pay for it. Men can simply stick the problem place with a plaster, as it was cut during shaving.
So, hickeys are hidden, it is possible to live with them - but they need to be removed! Let’s start with hickey removal.
How to remove a hickey on a neck?
If more than an hour passed from the moment of the act love termination - applying ice, coins and other cold objects doesn't make sense. But we realize one of the following procedures (or some of them, but with an interval):
- apply a raw beef stake onto hickey place. Hold it 15 min. In 30 min. repeat the procedure. Important: the meat cut must be fresh!
- cut an onion and rub a neck with fresh juice as often as possible. Cut must be constantly renewed;
- moisten a hickey with vinegar, rub with a toothpaste;
- should you have badyaga-sponge at home – dissolve it in some vegetable oil and apply as a compress;
- you may probably have some medicine against bruises, bites, burns: "Lioton","Troxevasin", "Venoruton", "Heparin", "Badyaga-911","SinyakOFF", " Plumbeous water". All of them possess good anti-inflammatory, resolving and restoring effect on a tissue;
- apply iodine lattice on a hickey.
The above mentioned methods will certainly help you to get rid of a hickey.
Under the most favourable circumstances it will be possible to get rid of this problem not earlier than in two days, deep bruises may remain for a week. That’s why always think twice, prior to give a hickey to your partner.
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