Monday, July 27, 2015

How to get rid of hickey with spoon

How to get rid of hickey with spoon

Ah the hickey, that red badge of passion! So spontaneous! So exhilarating! So erotic! So now what are you going to do?

Step 1
: Press cold spoon against hickey
As soon as possible, pop a spoon in the freezer for a few minutes, and then press it, suction-like, against the hickey for 15 minutes. This will reduce swelling and prevent any more bruising.

Step 2: Massage area
Gently massage the area to break up the congealed blood that is causing the bruising.

Step 3: Use comb or brush
Not working? Take a comb or brush and gently rub it over the hickey for about 10 minutes to help disperse the clots.

You could also use a quarter to push away the blood that has gathered in the area, but this method hurts a bit.

Step 4: Use lipstick cover
Still seeing red? Get fresh blood flowing by removing the cover of a lipstick, twisting the opening against the hickey, and pulling it off. You’ll hear a pop, and the hickey will briefly be redder before lightening.

Some people swear by pencil erasers, saying that twirling them forward and backward on a hickey makes it disappear.

Step 5
: Use concealer
Blend a little concealer, in a shade lighter than your skin tone, over any remaining redness.

Step 6
: Apply wet facecloth
If the hickey is still visible after 48 hours, apply a hot, wet facecloth for about 5 minutes. This draws new blood, helping smooth out the skin tone.

Step 7: Wear scarf or turtleneck
If all else fails, wear a scarf or turtleneck—or stay indoors.

Did You Know?

A hickey is a bruise caused when the vacuum created by a sucking mouth breaks blood vessels below the skin.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Ways to get rid of hickeys - Check them all

Perhaps each one of us has ever detected a red and sometimes dark-violet spot on a neck or some other body part in the morning. And of course was trying to think of any method of hickey removal in a blue funk. Hickey on breast, hickey on neck – no matter what part of your body gets a love bruise, if it can be observed by the other people, this becomes a real problem.

The majority would surely seek for a foundation or a scarf or clothes with high neck in the wardrobe in order to hide the signs of a pleasant evening with boyfriend yesterday. But actually you’d better seek for quite other measures, which are able not only to hide hickey, but also to remove a bruise on the skin.

It’s necessary, because new hickey is much easier for removal, than the old one. As you’ve already understood a hickey is actually a bruise. And if you know how to get rid of a bruise, then you’ll manage also a hickey removal.

First of all apply any cold object to the bruise. It can be ice, a coin, a piece of frozen meat or fruit, and don’t forget to wrap them in a polyethylene. This method will surely help to make a hickey at least less noticeable.

Soda is well known as one of the fast ways to get rid of a hickey. Until a hickey starts to become blue, apply a strong solution of soda on it. In some cases it helps to remove a bruise completely. There will be just a small redness on the skin. Form a pulp from soda, apply it, leave for some time, then rinse and apply once again.

A simple onion is one another effective method to get rid of a hickey. Take a large onion, cut it and rub a hickey place with a cut. It may become a little pinch, depending on the hickey intensity. When the onion begins to get dry, make another cut and apply it again, the more onion juice gets on the bruise, the faster you’ll get rid of your hickey. You can treat the place with a vinegar tampon additionally.

It’s very useful if you have aloe or a tincture of it at home. The tincture is made of cut leafs and vodka and should be simply applied to a bruise.

There are also many ointments, which can help to solve this problem and may be purchased in a drugstore. These ointments contain heparin; “heparin ointment”, “hepatrombin”, “sinyak-off”, “heparoid – are few of them to mention. You may use also creams with vitamin K; they help to narrow vessels and reduce redness.

“Lioton 1000 gel” have to be applied only according to the instructions, unless you want to become a burn and worsen your situation. The technique is similar to soda method - you should apply it, wait until it gets dry, apply a new layer and then rinse thoroughly.

But if you don’t want to face this problem again, just ask your partner to be gentler, when you notice he’s going to give a hickey on your neck. Because the hickey is actually a trauma of blood vessels, which is undesirable for your body.

How to get rid of hickey

What is a hickey?

In fact, it is a bruise, a cavity with blood, formed because of violation of hypodermic blood vessels integrity. And, the deeper in tissues this cavity is located, the more ominous, bluish-black colour the bruise has.

Hickeys can be anywhere: hickey on neck - most often, and also hickey on face, hickey on breast; it can be in any place on a body, this depends on a situation. If they appear, it’s important to get rid of them quick, using modern medicine and natural methods. But until drugs will work, you’ll have to hide hickey, located on a noticeable place.

How to hide hickey on a neck?

How to get rid of hickeyIt’s very simple: Long hair, high collars of polo-necks and sweaters, black stockings, scarfs, favourite foundation! These are not actually the ways to get rid of a hickey, but these measures will definitely help you to hide them. Another one good way is a sting imitation with strong allergic reaction round it. For this purpose the skin is punctured in by a sterile needle in the center of a bruise. The most difficult thing is to get rid oh a hickey on neck. You can try to agree with the medical personnel, having asked them permissions to put on Shants's collar (it is applied at injuries of a neck). This action belongs to fast ways to get rid of hickeys, and you have to pay for it. Men can simply stick the problem place with a plaster, as it was cut during shaving.

So, hickeys are hidden, it is possible to live with them - but they need to be removed! Let’s start with hickey removal.

How to remove a hickey on a neck?

If more than an hour passed from the moment of the act love termination - applying ice, coins and other cold objects doesn't make sense. But we realize one of the following procedures (or some of them, but with an interval):
- apply a raw beef stake onto hickey place. Hold it 15 min. In 30 min. repeat the procedure. Important: the meat cut must be fresh!
- cut an onion and rub a neck with fresh juice as often as possible. Cut must be constantly renewed;
- moisten a hickey with vinegar, rub with a toothpaste;
- should you have badyaga-sponge at home – dissolve it in some vegetable oil and apply as a compress;
- you may probably have some medicine against bruises, bites, burns: "Lioton","Troxevasin", "Venoruton", "Heparin", "Badyaga-911","SinyakOFF", " Plumbeous water". All of them possess good anti-inflammatory, resolving and restoring effect on a tissue;
- apply iodine lattice on a hickey.

The above mentioned methods will certainly help you to get rid of a hickey.

Under the most favourable circumstances it will be possible to get rid of this problem not earlier than in two days, deep bruises may remain for a week. That’s why always think twice, prior to give a hickey to your partner.

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